7th Grade, Monday-Friday, 11/14-18/2011

**For those of who read this tonight, pass it on please. As I predicted, we found out Brynnlee has pink eye. She has to be out of school at least 24 hours on antibiotics, and because Mrs. Perry has to be out of town for a meeting I need to stay with Brynn. I have left instructions and an assignment to go with silent reading of “The Uglies”. Be sure to finish your Before Common Era News Article assessment on Alex and the Rosetta Stone if you haven’t and turn it in. See you Friday. Be good!**

Make a Difference Monday~ 11/14/2011

*If you didn’t already, you need to turn in your Threshold from the last 2 weeks.

*Put name and dates on both sides of the new Threshold! It will be due next Tuesday as that is the last day before Thanksgiving Break.  

    1. Threshold: 11/14/11 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!

  • Today is Make a Difference Monday. Remember, my goal for you is not only that you learn but that you truly live the social studies, which mens to have a positive impact on everyone that you know and meet. On this day, you will need to make a special effort to make the life of someone else better in some way. I don’t care how you achieve this, as long as it happens.
  • Good news, bad news, any news from your weekend?
  • Who is Alex’s boyhood hero, and what does he admire most about him?
  • What does Alex promise to do for the people of Greece if they join him?
  • What 3 things does he say they have to give him for him to keep his promise?

    2. From Alexander to the Rosetta Stone (Guided Notes)

    3. “Uglies” (All-school read)


Take it back Tuesday~ 11/15/11

* Start the Threshold and have your Comp. Books out and ready to go!

1. Threshold: 11/15/11 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!*

  • Today is Take it back Tuesday. Write down a recent mistake that you have made, forgive yourself for it, and move on from it. We all make them, but we must learn from them and not repeat them.

2. Alexander and the Rosetta Stone 3 station assessment

  • YOU WILL NEED: Comp. Books/Notes, Guided Notes on Alexander to the Rosetta Stone, and a pencil

3. “Uglies” (All-school read)

An introduction to Hieroglyphics

*HW*~ Blog post: Due TOMORROW, 11/16/11

  • Where did Alex go after he conquered Darius the first time?
  • Who did Darius leave behind and what happened to them?
  • Why did Alex choose to stay in Egypt rather than return to Greece?
  • How did Alex die, and how was it both strange and funny that he died that way?


Worry-free Wednesday ~ 11/16/2011

* Start the Threshold and have your Comp. Books out and ready to go!

1. Threshold: 11/16/11 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!*

  • Today is Worry-free Wednesday. Write down a small worry that you can move on from and leave it there. A VERY small worry would be: “He looked at me!” A BIG worry would be: I don’t know where I’m going to sleep tonight.
  • What are the 3 secrets  of writing in hieroglyphics?
  • Why does Ptolemy rob Alexander’s funeral train?
  • What is the connection between stealing Alexander’s body and the Rosetta Stone itself?

2. Alexander and the Rosetta Stone 2 section assessment

  • YOU WILL NEED: Comp. Books/Notes, Guided Notes on Alexander to the Rosetta Stone, a pencil, a blank sheet of paper, and your Hieroglyphics worksheet from yesterday

3. “Uglies” (All-school read) if time

3. Assessment ~ News Article


Thankful Thursday~ 11/17/11

* Start the Threshold and have your Comp. Books out and ready to go!

      1. Threshold:  Thursday, 11/17/2011 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET THE REST!!!

  • Today is thankful Thursday. Write down the name of a piece of technology that you are thankful for and why you chose it.
    • Who was Alexander’s famous tutor/teacher at such a young age? Who did I compare that to?
    • How does Alexander become King and General at such a young age?
    • What did you get, if anything, from yesterday’s videos and discussion about bullying and positive male role models?
    • Interpret: “Blink”, by Revive

2. From Alexander to the Rosetta Stone (Guided Notes)

*Assessment~ 2 Exit Cards

IMAX ~ Mystery of the Nile (http://www.vidiac.com/video/Mystery-of-the-nile)


Forgiveness Friday~ 11/18/11

  * Good News…34 students did the blog post. Those who did, about half of them did a great job. Bad news…there are 102 students.

       1. Threshold:  Friday, 11/18/2011 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET THE REST!!!

  •  Today is Forgiveness Friday. Take time to forgive someone else for the wrong that they have done or the hurt that they have caused you (even forgive yourself for a mistake if you don’t have someone to forgive for theirs). Remember, it doesn’t mean you have to forget the pain they’ve caused. It makes you stronger and more at peace to move on when you forgive.   
  • Give me your view of what happened yesterday while was out with my sick daughter. You don’t need to use names, I already have them. Also, if you were me, how would you feel coming back today?
  • After viewing the video clips, give your honest thougths about how this changes your view about the food America eats. Also, why have food prices gone up so much that this will be the most expensive Thanksgiving holiday ever?!

     2. IMAX ~ Mystery of the Nile (http://www.vidiac.com/video/Mystery-of-the-nile)

  • You will need your comp. book for this dated 11/18/11


  1. he became pharo
    darias left his famliy be hind and his mom was alex personal slavie
    he was the pharo so he dint want to go back
    he died becuase a misceto bitt him and it is funny how that killed him but he got stabed all the time and got his helmit cut in hafe and still stad alive

    1. you didnt not really say where he wnet after he conquered darius and like it is not full sentence

  2. After Alex first defeated Daruis he left and went to Egypt.After Daruis was defeated he left like a scared cat. He left his family, courts, and army behind to die. Alex didnt kill them but he took them all under his wing. He paid all the soldiers 10x as much as they did in Persia. His family Became servents to Alex. The wife became a royal/personal servent to Alex. After a while he went to Egypt. In Egypt he was name Pharaoh (God/King). He was worshiped. He didnt want to return to Greece because he was a god/king to the people of Egypt. Once Daruis sent an offering to Alex. The offer was that Alex give back him his family in exchange for The Arabian Desert. Alex refused (didnt accept) his offer and sent out to kill Daruis. Once the were deep into swamps of India. Him and his army all get bitten by mosquitoes. Alex then catches malaria and dies. Its funny because he never died after being cut by swards, knifes, or spears. Then takes place of a fight between 7 different Generals. They all fight over where Alex’s body will go. He wanted to be burried next to his fater and mother. So 5 of the Generals decide to take him back to his hometown to be with his parents. As for the other 2 Generals decide to go abord a train, kilss the other 5 Generals and steals Alexander’s body and takes it to Egypt. One of the 2 Generals was named Ptolemy. He had a Parade thrown in his honor and gets named a Pharaoh (god/king). He named his self Ptolemy I.

  3. his hero was akillies because he showed pity it is what he uses to bet his opponents because they had people on the sides and one in the middle and Alex was in the back and they turned around and then faced back to the people and made loud noises and run to them

  4. This is the one that is late when i wasnt here.

    – Achillies, empathy and compassion.

    -The Phalanx is when Alex stands in the middle and the flanks stand on the end. they had to turn around and then run to fight to the other side aginist Darius.

  5. – Egypt.

    -Darius left his family, Darius mom and wife went to Alex and asked Alex if they can join his side.

    – Because he became pharaoh and he didnt want to leave Darius family and his army.

    -alex dies by getting bite by mosquitos in the swamp and he got gotta disease called malaria.

  6. – Alex goes to egypt after he conquered darius the first time.
    – Darius leave’s behind his family and his army and they join Alex.
    – Because he became a God/King in egypt and in greece he was just a king.
    – Alex dies from mosqutio bits and the funny thing about that is that when he went to war he didn’t die from the wouns he had got before

  7. – Darius the first time, Alex went to Egypt.
    – Darius Left Behind his Family, his army and his court.
    – Alex decieded to stay in Egypt rather than his homeplace Greece because there he was worshipped, he became pharaoh.
    – Alex died by a mosquito bite, which gave him malaria.
    This was odd because he suffered a lot of Big wounds due from swords and axes, but dies from a little mosquito!

  8. When Alex beat Darius he goes to egypt.
    Darius runs from alex leaveing his famaly behind.
    alex stays in egypt because he is a god and being god is way better than just a king. he didnt want to return to Greece because he was consider a king and thats really noting so he becomes a god.
    alex was killed by a mosquito bite which gave him malaria that was a stupid kill because he got staved by nifes and swords and he got killed by a mosquito bite.

  9. When Alex defeated Darius he goes to eygpt
    Darius runs from Alex leaving his family behind . Alex then stays in eygpt because he is a god. He didn’t want to return to Greece because he was worshiped as a king. Alex was then killed my mosquito bites which gave him malaria that was crazy kill because he got stabbed by knifes and swords and he never died now he gets killed by some little pesky mosquito’s

  10. **For those of who read this tonight, pass it on please. As I predicted, we found out Brynnlee has pink eye. She has to be out of school at least 24 hours on antibiotics, and because Mrs. Perry has to be out of town for a meeting I need to stay with Brynn. I have left instructions and an assignment to go with silent reading of “The Uglies”. Be sure to finish your Before Common Era News Article assessment on Alex and the Rosetta Stone if you haven’t and turn it in. See you Friday. Be good!**

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