Social Studies, week 36, 05/31-06/03/2016 (5/7 week of your final MP of middle school!)

R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Tuesday, 5/31/2016

  • *Set a new DOJO goal for the week. It ends next Friday, June 10th.
  • *Think back on your goal from this morning and follow through during this hour and the rest of your day.
  • **Blog Post tonight! Due tomorrow by 10:00 p.m.
  • R1) Early in the year we talked about the difference between raw goods and manufactured goods
    • What is the difference between the two AND give an example of both a raw good and a manufactured good that can be made from it?  
  • PK1) A) Why was slavery the necessary evil AND why does slavery last as long as it did? 
    • B) The international slave trade (IST) was outlawed in 1807. Obviously, this did not end slavery, but increased it like crazy.
      • What do you think changed at that point that made the amount of slaves explode (hint: there were two things)
    • C) Prior to the IST being outlawed in 1807 slaves were traded in a massive, multi-country structure called the “Triangle Trade“.
      • Why do you think it was called the Triangle Trade AND what do you think were some of the goods that were traded for African slaves? 


2) Check the Dojo!

3. Topic: The New Nation: Part 1: The foundation of America… SLAVERY…

  • Objective: We will examine the”necessary evil” and its direct tie to the creation of American Colonies, as well as today’s most powerful economy and military.
  • Raw vs. Manufactured Goods… the tie that binds the North and South and delays the tragic American Civil War
  • Slave Auction clip (from “America: The Story of Us”)
  • Slave Memories (part 1)
    • The lives of slaves
  • “The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross ~ The Black Atlantic”
    • African food and it’s never ending impact
  • The Slavery Experience: Audio Interviews of former slaves
  • “The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross ~ The Age of Slavery”
  • Headline Routine and 30-second Speech

 *HW* ~ Blog Post, due tomorrow by 10:00 p.m.

  • RBP1) What 2 things happened in 1807 that changed the future of slavery dramatically for the worse AND how did they change it? (Hint: 1 was an invention)
  • RPB2) What happens to the value of men, women, and children as time moves on AND what causes the change? 


R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Wednesday:  6/01/2016

1.Warm-up: 6/01/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!*

  • *Think back on your goal from this morning and follow through during this hour and the rest of your day.
  • RBP1) What 2 things happened in 1807 that changed the future of slavery dramatically for the worse AND how did they change it? (Hint: 1 was an invention)
  • RPB2) What happens to the value of men, women, and children as time moves on AND what causes the change?
  • *Have your notes ready to go with “Slavery” and today’s date! 

2) Check the DOJO!

3. Topic: The New Nation: Part 1: The foundation of America… SLAVERY…

  • Objective: We will examine the”necessary evil” and its direct tie to the creation of American Colonies, as well as today’s most powerful economy and military.


R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy,C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Thursday, 6/02/2016

1.Warm-up: 6/02/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!*

  • **Blog Post tonight! Due tomorrow by 10:00 p.m.
  • R1) Why is the slave ship coming out of Cuba called “La Amistad”?
  • R2) How are the Spanish sailors able to trick the Mende and Djembe into thinking they are being brought back to Africa? 
  • PK1) What is the auction block
  • R3) In 1850 the 2nd Fugitive Slave Law was passed as part of the Compromise of 1850 (CA becoming a state).
    • What do you think the Fugitive Slave Law was about? (hint: Who would it help and punish?)
  • *Have your notes ready to go with “Slavery” and today’s date! 

2) Check the DOJO!

3. Topic: The New Nation: Part 1: The foundation of America… SLAVERY…

  • Objective: We will examine the”necessary evil” and its direct tie to the creation of American Colonies, as well as today’s most powerful economy and military.

 *HW* ~ Blog Post, due tomorrow by 10:00 p.m.

  • RBP1) A) What did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 achieve?
    • B) How did this change the lives of slaves, free blacks, and ordinary Northern citizens?
    • C) Since the North was no longer “the Promised Land” to slaves, where did they go to find freedom AND how do you think that affected the number of runaways going forward?  
  • RBP2) A) What is the auction block?
    • B) What were some of the features the customers were looking for in slaves at an auction?
    • C)  What 3 US cities were the centers of the American slave trade?
    • D) How many slaves were actually traded to America from Africa/Caribbean? Brazil? How many were there by the start of the ACW in 1861? 
    • E) Who is Solomon Northrop AND what horrific thing did he witness while at an auction? 


R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Friday, 6/03/2016

1.Warm-up: 6/03/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!

  • *You had a Blog Post  last night! Due tonight by 10:00 p.m.
  • RBP1) A) What did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 achieve?
    • B) How did this change the lives of slaves, free blacks, and ordinary Northern citizens?
    • C) Since the North was no longer “the Promised Land” to slaves, where did they go to find freedom AND how do you think that affected the number of runaways going forward?  
  • RBP2) A) What is the auction block?
    • B) What were some of the features the customers were looking for in slaves at an auction?
    • C)  What 3 US cities were the centers of the American slave trade?
    • D) How many slaves were actually traded to America from Africa/Caribbean? Brazil? How many were there by the start of the ACW in 1861? 
    • E) Who is Solomon Northrop AND what horrific thing did he witness while at an auction? 
  • *Have your notes ready to go with “Slavery” and today’s date! 

2) Check the DOJO!

3. Topic: The New Nation: Part 1: The foundation of America… SLAVERY…

  • Objective: We will examine the”necessary evil” and its direct tie to the creation of American Colonies, as well as today’s most powerful economy and military.



  1. R1) Early in the year we talked about the difference between raw goods and manufactured goods.
    What is the difference between the two AND give an example of both a raw good and a manufactured good that can be made from it?

    cocoa is made into chocolate

    PK1) A) Why was slavery the necessary evil AND why does slavery last as long as it did?

    because without it america wouldn’t be here

    B) The international slave trade (IST) was outlawed in 1807. Obviously, this did not end slavery, but increased it like crazy.
    What do you think changed at that point that made the amount of slaves explode (hint: there were two things)

    needed more to pick and plant

    C) Prior to the IST being outlawed in 1807 slaves were traded in a massive, multi-country structure called the “Triangle Trade“.
    Why do you think it was called the Triangle Trade AND what do you think were some of the goods that were traded for African slaves?

    because the ta=rad paths were shaped like a triangle and they were traded for things like iron and food

  2. R1) Early in the year we talked about the difference between raw goods and manufactured goods.
    What is the difference between the two AND give an example of both a raw good and a manufactured good that can be made from it?

    Raw goods are natural goods from the earth like an apple. Manufactured goods are goods that have been processed like apple juice.

    PK1) A) Why was slavery the necessary evil AND why does slavery last as long as it did?

    Slavery was the necessary evil because it was evil but without it we wouldn’t be here like we are today. Slavery lasted as long as it did because slavery was expanding

    B) The international slave trade (IST) was outlawed in 1807. Obviously, this did not end slavery, but increased it like crazy.
    What do you think changed at that point that made the amount of slaves explode (hint: there were two thin

    Eli Whitney had made the cotton gin and it took twenty times faster to process the cotton so they need more slaves picking cotton.

    C) Prior to the IST being outlawed in 1807 slaves were traded in a massive, multi-country structure called the “Triangle Trade“.
    Why do you think it was called the Triangle Trade AND what do you think were some of the goods that were traded for African slaves?

    It was called the Triangle trade because it was the way they trade and it ended with whoever has the most money

  3. RBP1) What 2 things happened in 1807 that changed the future of slavery dramatically for the worse AND did they change it? (Hint: 1 was an invention)

    The machine that picks seeds out of cotton was invented and this made a need for more cotton and slaves

    RPB2) What happens to the value of men, women, and children as time moves on AND what causes the change?

    The value of children went up then down women were cheap at first and then got expensive for breeding purposes and men were slightly less expensive

  4. RBP1) What 2 things happened in 1807 that changed the future of slavery dramatically for the worse AND how did they change it? (Hint: 1 was an invention) interstate is illegal and the cotton gen was made
    RPB2) What happens to the value of men, women, and children as time moves on AND what causes the change? men prices went lower and women prices went higher and children slaves were legal that women can reproduce more slaves can mate

  5. RBP1) What 2 things happened in 1807 that changed the future
    of slavery dramatically for the worse AND how did they change it? (Hint: 1 was an invention)
    It was the cotton gin and it was worse because it meant that they now needed more slaves to pick cotton to always keep the cotton gins busy.
    RPB2) What happens to the value of men, women, and children as time moves on AND what causes the change?
    The value of women skyrocketed once people realized you could now breed new slaves.

  6. RBP1) What 2 things happened in 1807 that changed the future of slavery dramatically for the worse AND how did they change it? (Hint: 1 was an invention)
    The IST (International Slave Trade) was outlawed and the cotton gin was invented causing interstate slave trade to explode and the demand for slaves to plant and pick cotton increased because the cotton gin was 250 times faster than a human at getting the seeds out of cotton.
    RPB2) What happens to the value of men, women, and children as time moves on AND what causes the change?
    The value of men decreased because you only needed one man to breed with multiple women and give you more male slaves, the value of women increased because they could reproduce from one man, and trading children became legal but the price stayed low because women could give you child slaves.

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