Science, week 35, 5/23-27/2016 (4th week of final marking period of middle school!!)

*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post


1. Monday: 5/23/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • *You have the first 15 minutes to study the Male Reproductive Anatomy for your assessment. We will not move on until everyone is finished, so take your time.

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
    • Part 1 
    • Male Reproductive Anatomy
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)



*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post

1. Warm-up: 5/24/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • **You have homework tonight! (“Then and Now” worksheet) It will probably not be comfortable, but necessary! Please return the bottom have signed be you and the adult that you completed it with.
  • E1) A legacy is what you leave behind for others to follow.
    • A) What will your legacy be to your 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teachers?
    • B) What will your legacy be to your classmates?
    • C) If you could change anything you’ve done that would improve your legacy to teachers, what would it be and why?
  • PK1) *(video clip) Before you watch the clip: A) What does it mean to be transgendered?

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
    • Part 1
    • Female Reproductive Anatomy
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


Wednesday ~ 05/25/16

*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post


1. Warm-up: 5/25/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
    • Part 1
    • Female Reproductive Anatomy
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)



*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post

1.   Warm-up: Thursday, 5/26/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET THE REST!!!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • *Any “Then and Now” homework?!
  • Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • R1) A) What are the 2 parts of a sperm cell?
    • B) What are some of the problems that sperm can face on their journey to the uterus?
  • PK1/R2) Most of the problems that prevent women from getting pregnant are due to an inhospitable uterus.
    • A) What do you think inhospitable means when talking about the uterus?
    • B) What do you think would make the uterus inhospitable? 
  • *You will need your “Miracle of Life” worksheet out (or notes) ready to go!

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


Friday ~ 5/27/2016

R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post

1.   Warm-up: Friday, 5/27/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET THE REST!!!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • *Any “Then and Now” homework?!
  • Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • R1) A) How many sperm are ejaculated at one time?
    • B) How many sperm actually make it to the ova?
    • C) How many sperm will fertilize the ova AND what will happen to the rest?
  • R2) A) Within 20 minutes after fertilization what begins to happen inside the fertilized ova AND what is it now called?
    • B) At the 10 day mark what can be seen for the first time AND what is the fertilized ova’s size? 

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


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