Science, week 34, 5/16-20/2016 (3rd week of final marking period of middle school!!)

*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post


1. Monday: 5/16/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
    • Part 1 
    • Male Reproductive Anatomy
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)



*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post

1. Warm-up: 5/17/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
    • Part 1
    • Female Reproductive Anatomy
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


Wednesday ~ 05/18/16

*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post


1. Warm-up: 5/18/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • R1) A) What does it mean to be circumcised?
    • B) What are the health risks to the boy/male?
    • C) What does it mean to be uncircumcised?
    • D) Why is it healthier for the male to be uncircumcised than circumcised? 
  • R2) A) What is the purpose of the uterus?
    • B) What is the purpose of the ovaries AND why are there 2? 
  • R3) What is the purpose of the cervixAND, how large is the cervix normally vs. right before birth?
  • PK1) How large is a non-pregnant uterus? How about a uterus at 40 weeks gestation?
  • PK2) What temporary organ is developed inside of the uterus once an embryo becomes a fetus around 11 weeks, AND what is its purpose?

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
    • Part 1
    • Female Reproductive Anatomy
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)



*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post

1.   Warm-up: Thursday, 5/19/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET THE REST!!!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • *No warm-up! Use the time until I am ready to study/quiz each other over what we have covered so far of the reproductive anatomy.  
  • **Once we are finished learning the female anatomy you will study for the rest of the time. The test will be tomorrow! REMEMBER, you will not have your notes with you for the test!

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


Friday ~ 5/20/2016

R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post

1.   Warm-up: Friday, 5/20/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET THE REST!!!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • *You have the first 20 minutes to study the Female Reproductive Anatomy for your assessment. We will not move on until everyone is finished, so take your time. 
  • **When you are finished with your female anatomy assessment, start studying for the male assessment as it will be on Monday!

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


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