Science, week 33, 5/9-13/2016 (2nd week of final marking period of middle school!!)

Science: R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy

1. Monday: 5/09/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • PK1) Around how many ova (eggs) is a female human born with?
  • PK2) A) Where are a female’s ova held?
    • B) This part of the female reproductive system is known as a “fail safe”. What is a fail-safe, AND what are at least 3 other examples of the body’s fail safes?
  • PK3) What is the process called where an ova is released and the lining of the uterus sheds itself to prepare for pregnancy?
  • PK4) Through what female reproductive part does the ova travel? 

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)



ScienceR = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy

1. Warm-up: 5/10/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • E) (video clip)  What can John Servati’s life teach you about leaving a legacy?
  • R1) What is the result of ovulation?
  • R2) A) What are the 4 to 5 steps of ovulation?
    • B) Why is it especially dangerous to have intercourse while a girl is on her menstrual cycle?
    • C) What is menstruation made of?
  • R3) A) What is the size of a female’s cervix before contractions begin?
    • B) What is the size of the cervix at the time of delivery?

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


Wednesday ~ 05/11/16

ScienceR = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy

1. Warm-up: 5/11/2016 ~ Do your best and forget the rest!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • R1) A) What does it mean to be circumcised?
    • B) What are the health risks to the boy/male?
    • C) What does it mean to be uncircumcised?
    • D) Why is it healthier for the male to be uncircumcised than circumcised? 
  • R2) A) What is the purpose of a muscle contraction
    • B) What is the purpose of cervix contractions
    • C) At what point will a hospital admit you for delivery? 
    • D) Without being examined by a health professional, how can a woman know if she is 3 cm or more dilated?

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


Thursday ~ 5/12/2016

*R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post

1.   Warm-up: Thursday, 5/12/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET THE REST!!!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • R/PK1) A) What is the size of an ova?
    • B) What is the size of the pathway in the Fallopian tube?
  • PK2) A) What happens during conception (fertilization)?
    • B) After conception, what does the fertilized ova become AND for how long?
    • C) What is gestation AND how what is the range of weeks for a healthy gestation? (Hint: for an elephant it is 18 months)
  • PK3) A)  What is the earliest amount of weeks that a baby has been born and survived?
    • B) If they do survive, what 2 vital (life-saving) procedures  will have to be done for them to be kept alive? (1 for the baby and 1 for the woman)

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)


Friday ~ 5/13/2016

R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, RBP: Review Blog Post

1.   Warm-up: Friday, 5/13/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET THE REST!!!

  • *Set a goal for the hour that you can achieve by the end of this hour and share it so that they can hold you accountable to it. 
  • Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • R1) A) What are the names of the 2 female sex hormones and what is the typical %?
    • B) What is the name of the female sex hormone that is only present when a woman is pregnant?
    • C) There is no such thing as a “false positive” pregnancy test. What does that mean AND why is that the case?
    • D) Is it possible to have a false negative pregnancy test? Why? 
  • R2) What are the male sex hormones and what is the typical % ?
  • R3) How long does it take the ova to travel through the Fallopian tube, AND what makes this journey so difficult? 
    • **Question envelope time: At this time I will answer questions from yesterday’s sticky notes. If there is something that you want to add grab a sticky note and do that now.

2. Answering of questions from the envelope and Check the DOJO!

3. Reproductive Health: DAY 3: Objective: The goal is for you to leave this year understanding your and the opposite gender’s body, understand the risks and rewards of the process of reproductive health.

  • A) Review “classroom ground rules” (daily)
  • B) “Miracle of Life”: Nova film, discussion, and worksheet
  • Question Envelopes: Everyone writes something! (It did does not have to be a question or comment, but please make sure it is appropriate)

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