Social Studies, week 33, 05/09-13/2016 (2/6 week of your final MP of middle school!)

R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Monday, 5/09/2016

  • *Set a new DOJO goal for the week. It ends this Friday, May13th.
  • *Think back on your goal from this morning and follow through during this hour and the rest of your day.
  • R1) A) What is the Continental Divide AND what does it do for continent? (Be specific!)  
    • B) What did L and C find at the Continental Divide?
    • C) Once they reached the Cont. Divide what did they think they would find AND what did they find instead?
  • PK1) What do you think the Trail of Tears was AND why do you think it was given that name?  

2. Check the Dojo

3) Topic: Westward Expansion


R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Tuesday:  5/10/2016

1.Warm-up: 5/10/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!*

  • **Blog Post tonight! Due tomorrow by 10:00 p.m.
  • *Think back on your goal from this morning and follow through during this hour and the rest of your day.
  • R1) A) Why are the Shoshone a horse tribe AND what does it allow them to do?
    • B) Who do the Corps meet in the Shoshone camp that changes their destiny for the better?
  • R2) A) Which tribe rescued the Corps from certain death AND what did they provide them for a little over 2 weeks?
    • B) What refreshing milestone did the Corps reach that made their lives and the journey so much easier? 
  • R3) What did their constant success in the face of dangers and death do to their belief in manifest destiny?

2) Check the DOJO!

3) Topic: Westward Expansion


Modern tribes of the USA

*HW* ~ Blog Post, due tomorrow by 10:00 p.m.

  • RBP1) A) What river were the Corps riding down after they left the Nez Perce tribe?
    • B) Once they reached the mouth of this river and found the Pacific how long had they been traveling?
    • C) What “american first” happens here and why is this such a big deal?
    • D) Why does it matter where they decide to build there winter camp AND what is the fort called?
    • E) How are long are they in winter camp AND how many days do they have without rain?
    • F) By the time they head back toward St. Louis, MO in March of 1806, how long have they been on this journey AND how long will the journey have been once they reach St. Louis and how far will they have traveled on the journey in total?
  • RBP2) A) What happens to ML once they return?
    • B) What happens in WC’s life when they return?


R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy,C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Wednesday, 5/11/2016

1.Warm-up: 5/11/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!*

  • RBP1) A) What river were the Corps riding down after they left the Nez Perce tribe?
    • B) Once they reached the mouth of this river and found the Pacific how long had they been traveling?
    • C) What “American first” happens here and why is this such a big deal?
    • D) Why does it matter where they decide to build there winter camp AND what is the fort called?
    • E) How long are they in winter camp AND how many days do they have without rain?
    • F) By the time they head back toward St. Louis, MO in March of 1806, how long have they been on this journey AND how long will the journey have been once they reach St. Louis and how far will they have traveled on the journey in total?
  • RBP2) A) What happens to ML once they return?
    • B) What happens in WC’s life when they return?

2) Check the DOJO!

3) Topic: Westward Expansion


R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Thursday, 5/12/2016

1.Warm-up: 5/12/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!

  • *Blog Post tonight! Due tomorrow by 10:00 p.m.
  • R1) A) In 1928 gold was discovered in Georgia. What did this inspire President Andrew Jackson (ACBJ) to do? 
    • B) Up to this point the Cherokee and the other 4 “civilized tribes” (Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, and the Creek)  had tried to model themselves after the Europeans (whites).
      • 1) Why did they feel the needed to do this?
      • 2) What were some of the steps they took toward “whitening” themselves?
  • R2) A) What was ACBJ’s response to CJJM’s ruling that the IRA of 1830 was unconstitutional AND what is unique about this response?
    • B) Cherokee Chief John Ross responds to the IRA by suing the state of Georgia and CJJM rules in their favor but is then overruled in the end by the other SCOTUS members. Why was he overruled AND were the justices correct in their ruling? 

2) Check the DOJO!

3) Topic: Westward Expansion


R = Review, PK = Prior Knowledge, E: Empathy, C/G: Chart/Graph, RBP: Review Blog Post

Social Studies: Friday, 5/13/2016

1.Warm-up: 5/13/16 ~ DO YOUR BEST and FORGET the REST!!!*

  • R1) How did the creation of an alphabet allow the Cherokee to have both a “past and a future”?  
  • R2) A) Why were the 5 civilized tribes called “civilized” AND what does that tell you about our opinion of them?  
    • B) Where the tribes “relocated” to?
    • C) Why were there very few tribes living in the territory they were “relocated to” before the IRA was passed?
  • R3) In your opinion, can cultural relativism excuse our treatment of American Indians? Can it explain it?

2) Check the DOJO!

3) Topic: Westward Expansion


  1. RBP1) A) What river were the Corps riding down after they left the Nez Perce tribe?
    The columbia river.
    B) Once they reached the mouth of this river and found the Pacific how long had they been traveling?
    For 2 years.
    C) What “american first” happens here and why is this such a big deal?
    They reached their goal.
    D) Why does it matter where they decide to build there winter camp AND what is the fort called?
    They need to have winter shelter and the fort is called fort mandan.
    E) How are long are they in winter camp AND how many days do they have without rain?
    They are in the winter camp for five months and there are four days without rain.
    F) By the time they head back toward St. Louis, MO in March of 1806, how long have they been on this journey AND how long will the journey have been once they reach St. Louis and how far will they have traveled on the journey in total?
    A two-year 800 mile journey.
    RBP2) A) What happens to ML once they return?
    He passes away.
    B) What happens in WC’s life when they return?
    He gets a government job.

  2. RBP1) A) What river were the Corps riding down after they left the Nez Perce tribe?
    They were riding the colombia river.

    B) Once they reached the mouth of this river and found the Pacific how long had they been traveling?
    14 months tbey have been traveling.

    C) What “american first” happens here and why is this such a big deal?
    The amaerican firsts had reached their goal and that is why it is such a big deal.

    D) Why does it matter where they decide to build there winter camp AND what is the fort called?
    It matters because they need shelter to live in and the fort is called FORT MANDAN.

    E) How are long are they in winter camp AND how many days do they have without rain?
    They are in the Winter Camp for 5 Months and there are only 12 days without rain.

    F) By the time they head back toward St. Louis, MO in March of 1806, how long have they been on this journey AND how long will the journey have been once they reach St. Louis and how far will they have traveled on the journey in total?
    It was a 2-year 800 mile journey.

    RBP2) A) What happens to ML once they return?
    Ml dies

    B) What happens in WC’s life when they return?
    Wc gets a government job.

  3. RBP1) A) What river were the Corps riding down after they left the Nez Perce tribe?
    The Columbia river

    B) Once they reached the mouth of this river and found the Pacific how long had they been traveling?
    2 years

    C) What “american first” happens here and why is this such a big deal?
    They made it to the shining sea

    D) Why does it matter where they decide to build there winter camp AND what is the fort called?
    Because one is Oregon and one is Washington it’s called fort Mandan

    E) How are long are they in winter camp AND how many days do they have without rain?
    12 days no rain 5 months

    F) By the time they head back toward St. Louis, MO in March of 1806, how long have they been on this journey AND how long will the journey have been once they reach St. Louis and how far will they have traveled on the journey in total?
    2 years 800 miles

    RBP2) A) What happens to ML once they return?
    He dies

    B) What happens in WC’s life when they return?
    Works for government

  4. RBP1) A) What river were the Corps riding down after they left the Nez Perce tribe?
    The Columbia River.
    B) Once they reached the mouth of this river and found the Pacific how long had they been traveling?
    14 months.
    C) What “american first” happens here and why is this such a big deal?
    For the first time a woman and a black man voted.
    D) Why does it matter where they decide to build there winter camp AND what is the fort called?
    The settled on the south bank in Oregon Territory causing it to quickly become a state and they named their camp Ft. Clatsop.
    E) How are long are they in winter camp AND how many days do they have without rain?
    They stayed at Ft. Clatsop for 4 months and had only 12 rain free days.
    F) By the time they head back toward St. Louis, MO in March of 1806, how long have they been on this journey AND how long will the journey have been once they reach St. Louis and how far will they have traveled on the journey in total?
    When they started to head back they had been away for 18 months and it took 6 months to get back to St. Louis, making a total of 24 months to travel 8,000 miles.
    RBP2) A) What happens to ML once they return?
    ML is named governor of the Louisiana Territory and 3 years later is murdered.
    B) What happens in WC’s life when they return?
    WC is named governor of the Missouri territory, has 10 kids, adopts Jean Baptiste Charbonneau (Sacagawea’s son), and never frees York.

  5. R1) A) In 1928 gold was discovered in Georgia. What did this inspire President Andrew Jackson (ACBJ) to do?
    to make the Indian removal act

    B) Up to this point the Cherokee and the other 4 “civilized tribes” (Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, and the Creek) had tried to model themselves after the Europeans (whites).
    1) Why did they feel the needed to do this?
    to keep their land and not to be forced to move
    2) What were some of the steps they took toward “whitening” themselves?
    they owned slaves
    they wore white people clothes
    they made their own language

    R2) A) What was ACBJ’s response to CJJM’s ruling that the IRA of 1830 was unconstitutional AND what is unique about this response?
    Cheif Justice John Marshall had mad his decision now let him enforce it

    B) Cherokee Chief John Ross responds to the IRA by suing the state of Georgia and CJJM rules in their favor but is then overruled in the end by the other SCOTUS members. Why was he overruled AND were the justices correct in their ruling?
    he was overruled because america wanted the land that the indians were living on so they could get all of the gold. They were right because they were a separate country and so they didn’t let the Indians argue

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